College Student Turns His Honda Civic into a Self-Driving Car for $700


The interior of a Honda similar to this one was customized. Honda\”The interior of a Honda similar to this one was customized. Honda\”The interior of a Honda similar to this one was customized. Honda

A 2016 Honda Civic will set you back at least $20,000. But for an extra $700 and some free software from the internet, you can now turn it into a self-driving vehicle. That\’s what a University of Nebraska college kid just did, anyway.

 The enterprising student, Brevan Jorgenson, worked for a time as a beta tester for, a self-driving car technology startup company. Comma planned to sell its self-driving software as a kit for just $999, but got a stern warning from the National Transportation Safety Administration about putting its customers at risk. So instead, it decided to make the software available downloadable for free. But only two types of cars are currently compatible with the software — the 2016 Acura ILX and the 2016 Honda Civic, which Jorgenson happens to own.

Inset\”Inset\”The interior of Brevan\’s self-driving Civic.WOWT

Jorgenson elected to build Comma\’s device (called the Neo) using the company\’s plans and software. The build required an Android OnePlus 3 smartphone, because it has the best high-performance embedded processors on the market and is relatively inexpensive, according to Comma\’s website. The other components he needed were a STM32F205-based CAN interface board to connect the smartphone to the car\’s electronic system, a 3D-printed case to hold the device (Jorgenson had his printed online), cables and a soldering iron.

Jorgenson took his newly equipped car for a solo test drive in late January, and it "worked phenomenally," he told MIT Technology Review. On another occasion, Jorgenson told a TV news crew that letting go of the brakes and steering wheel was a really "weird feeling," but that he eventually became used to it.

The self-driving kit has several safety features, including a six-minute timer (after which a driver must touch the wheel) and a system that records video while the software is in use.

Jorgenson is not the only person out there hacking his own car, but whether this catches on in a big way remains to be seen.

Now That\’s Interesting

Fans of self-driving cars have often touted reduced traffic as one of the main benefits of this technology (vehicles will stay closer together at higher speeds). However, others say that self-driving cars will get more people out on the road who wouldn\’t be otherwise, like the elderly and workers who might have stayed home to work, but want to use the automated opportunity to work while commuting.


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