Inside an Opposed Piston Opposed Cylinder (OPOC) Engine


Opposed piston opposed cylinder engines animation\”Opposed piston opposed cylinder engines animation\”OPOC engine © 2019

Originally Published: Jan 14, 2013

Opposed Piston Opposed Cylinder Engine FAQ

Are opposed piston engines more efficient?

OPOC engines are simpler and thus less likely to break down. They\’re also more efficient, lose less energy while operating and can produce much more power than a standard internal combustion engine for only a portion of the gas.

How does an opposed piston engine work?

The two pistons in the single cylinder are effectively interlaced, with each one divided into two parts and moving inside one another in opposite directions creating the compression stroke, so that the opposing ends of one part of each piston are closing together and compressing the fuel air mixture between them while the opposing ends of the other are moving apart to admit air in the gap to create the intake stroke.

Are OPOC engines a two-stroke or four-stroke engine?

The whole action of the pistons takes only two back and forth motions, thus making this a two-stroke engine instead of the more conventional four-stroke engine.

Why does the OPOC engine have high power density?

Because two pistons in one cylinder perform the work of the two pistons in two ordinary cylinders, they do only the work that normally goes on in one cylinder but apply two cylinders worth of motion to the crankshaft.

Who invented the opoc engine?

Ecomotors for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).


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